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Ed. Magazine

A Visual Look at the Data

Summary of relative risks of child mortality by parental education

Source: CHAIN/EuroHealthNet

Kam’s explanation: 
Increased parent education is linked to lower child mortality. This graph presents these findings for three different child ages: the first month, month one through month 11, and month 12 through age 4. The first three blue bars show paternal education, from six years (light color), 12 (medium), to 16 year (dark); maternal education is shown in orange. Each bar in this graph shows under-five mortality risk compared to a parent with no education. For example, look at the bar on the far left. A newborn of a father with six years of education (light blue) has a 6% lower risk of dying compared to a newborn of a father with zero years of education. Fathers with even more education (medium and dark blue) have children with even lower risks of mortality. Our study showed that father’s education is linked to child mortality at all ages under five. The link between parental education and child mortality is even stronger for mothers. 

Ed. Magazine

The magazine of the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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