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HGSE Community Celebrates Honors, Awards, Fellowships

Over the last year, the achievements of a number of Harvard Graduate School of Education faculty, students, and alumni were recognized
Array of gold stars

Below is a look at a small portion of the honors awarded to members of the HGSE community:


  • Professor Carola Suárez-Orozco was awarded the 2024 Guggenheim Fellowship to work on a book documenting the needs of immigrant students in America and what educators can do to better serve them.
  • Professor Paul Reville was recognized by the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education with its first MBAE Leadership in Education Award for his impact on the quality of education for students in Massachusetts and beyond. Beginning next year, the award will be renamed the MBAE Paul Reville Leadership in Education Award. 
  • Associate Professor Nadine Gaab was the recipient of the 2024 IMBES Translation Award from the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society which "recognizes senior scholars who have made significant progress in strengthening the connections between research and practice in these areas."
  • Associate Professor Gabrielle Oliveira was named a 2024–25 Radcliffe Fellow.
  • Senior Lecturer Pamela Mason won the Massachusetts Reading Association’s Celebrate Literacy Award for 2024.
  • Professors Bridget Terry Long and Heather Hill were elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
  • Professor Danielle Allen was selected by Brandeis University as the recipient of the 2024 Gittler Prize for her "outstanding and lasting scholarly contributions to racial, ethnic, and/or religious relations."
  • Professor Catherine Elgin received the 2024 Everett I. Mendelsohn Excellence in Mentoring Award from the GSAS Student Council.


  • Anne-Michelle Engelstad received Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards for the 2024–25 academic year from the U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.
  • Alysha Banerji and Edom Tesfa received NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowships for, respectively, "Reading, Writing, and Refuge: Exploring Universities' Global Civic Responsibilities" and "Contexts of Care: Supporting Immigrant-Origin Youth in a New Destination." Banerji was also awarded a Safra Graduate Fellowship.
  • Samantha Kane received a Russell Sage Foundation Dissertation Research Grant to "examine the impact of state abortion bans on where prospective female college students choose to apply to college."
  • Lily Fitz received a ACF Head Start Dissertation Grant for "An Ecological Approach to Emotion Socialization in the Early Childhood Classroom: Examining Contextual Influences on Children’s Early Social-Emotional Development."
  • Michelle Wong was awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Lauren Schilling received an honorable mention.
  • A Frederick Sheldon Traveling Fellowship was awarded to Devika Agrawal.
  • Santiago Pulido Gomez, Ed.M.'22, received a Merit/Graduate Society Term-Time Fellowship.
  • Graduate Society Summer Predissertation Fellowships were awarded to Jeanette Garcia Coppersmith, Ed.M.'20, and Jennifer Nilsen.
  • Ashutosh Bhuradia was the recipient of a $75,000 Fast Grant.
  • Nigel Gray, Ed.M.'22, and Roohullah Gulzari were awarded summer research grants from Mittal Institute at Harvard.
  • Project Zero named Moisés Contreras, Ron Grady, and Emily Meland, Ed.M.'16, as PZ Doctoral Fellows.
  • Elizabeth Balch-Crystal, Nora Delaney, Amy Desiderio, and David Struhs, Ed.M.'21, were named Partnering in Education Research (PIER) Fellows.
  • Ruiz Clark; Jesse Corburn and Alia Qatarneh; Riley Jones; Monique Miles and Rebecca Westlake; and Sophia Roy were named Herold H. Hunt Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fellows. Clark was also awarded a HGSE Education Entrepreneurship summer fellowship.
  • Tremain Holloway, Cody Huie, Sophia Roy, Evetty Satterfield, and Jesse Tang were awarded Gordon M. Ambach Fellowships. Tang was also awarded a Presidential Public Service Fellowship from Harvard for his work at the Colorado Department of Education.
  • Derrick Holifield was named a fellow of the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative.
  • Gustavo Luna was named a 2024 Latino Board Fellow.


  • EdRedesign Executive Director Rob Watson, Ed.M.'18, was selected as one of 60 Presidential Leadership Scholars.
  • Sharad Sagar, Ed.M.’22, was named 2024 Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.
  • Shelby Carvalho, Ed.M.'20, a Ph.D. candidate in government at Harvard was named a 2024–25 Radcliffe Fellow.
  • Thrive!, led by Omolara Fatiregun, Ed.L.D.'22, was a winner of Fast Company’s 2024 World Changing Ideas Awards.
  • The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) announced that Morgan Healey, Ed.M.'19, as one of its 2024-2025 SRCD U.S. Policy Fellows. Nneka Ibekwe-Okafor, Ed.M.'12, is part of the 2024 cohort for the Towards 2044: Horowitz Early Career Scholar Program from SRCD.
  • Caroline Hill, Ed.M.'05, won the Faculty Recognition of Service Award from PennGSE. Adina Goldstein, Ed.M.'18, was recognized by PennGSE with the Student Award for Excellence in Promoting Diversity & Inclusion.
  • Ernesto Zaldivar, Ed.M.'22, was named an AILA International Fellow by the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

If you are a member of the HGSE community and recently have won an award or achieved a special honor, please email


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