Education Now How Do We Improve the Workplace for Teachers? How schools and districts can better support teachers in their classrooms and their careers Posted April 5, 2023 By News editor Career and Lifelong Learning Counseling and Mental Health K-12 System Leadership Teachers and Teaching Job satisfaction and morale are reported to be at a 50-year low for teachers, and the state of the profession has been described as a "cause for serious national concern." With expectations and scrutiny at an all-time high, what are the steps any school or district can take to better support teachers in their classrooms and their careers?Guests:Jill Harrison Berg, Leadership Coach, School Improvement Consultant, and Researcher; author of Leading in Sync: Teacher Leaders & Principals Working Together for Student LearningPatrick Harris II, Middle School English Teacher and Dean of Students at The Roeper School, Detroit, Michigan; author of The First Five: A Love Letter to TeachersSusan Moore Johnson, Jerome T. Murphy Research Professor in Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education; author of Where Teachers Thrive: Organizing Schools for SuccessHost:Pamela Mason, Senior Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of EducationKey takeaways:Recognize that teachers need to live life to the fullest, which allows them to come to the classroom being the best version of themselves they can be.Encourage teachers to be clear about their "why" and what they really care about and then to find a school that values the same things. Protect time during the school day so that teachers can collaborate with one another and work on their own leadership skills.Resources:The Project on the Next Generation of TeachersThe Rise and Fall of the Teaching Profession: Prestige, Interest, Preparation, and Satisfaction over the Last Half CenturyReframing How to Think About Change in Public EducationLet's Talk Up the ProfessionLeading Alongside New Teachers of ColorToward Deliberately Distributed LeadershipTypology of Teacher Leadership ProgramsThe Power of Inclusive Leadership Education Now A webinar and newsletter series to shape new approaches to challenges in education Explore All Articles Related Articles Ed. Magazine Q+A: Bill Meyer, Ed.M.’04 On how daily meditation changes teaching and learning. Ed. Magazine Zen and the Art of Grad School Lecturer Liao Cheng’s course focuses on understanding and looking inward Ed. Magazine A Space for Joy Educators talk about the impact COVID has had on school happiness