Ed. Magazine Blue Ribbon Honors Posted September 22, 2021 By Ed. Magazine K-12 School Leadership Organizational Change Student Achievement and Outcomes Congratulations to current Ed.L.D. student Mona Ford Walker and Ed School graduate Brian Radley, Ed.M.’19, for being honored today when U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona recognized 325 schools as 2021 National Blue Ribbon Schools. Included in that group is Winship Elementary in Boston, where Radley serves as the current principal and Ford Walker served as principal when the nomination was first made. Winship was nominated in the “Exemplary Achievement Gap Closing Schools” category for being one of highest performing schools working to close the achievement gap in Massachusetts. Winship, located in the city’s Brighton neighborhood, includes families from more than 35 countries who speak more than 20 languages.Read more about Winship Elementary: Sharing the Lessons of School Improvement Ed. Magazine The magazine of the Harvard Graduate School of Education Explore All Articles Related Articles Ed. Magazine Brick Wall Mindsets How the stories we tell ourselves can get in the way of leading. News Trending Toward Turnaround With the help of HGSE professional development, educators work collaboratively to learn new ways to help turn their schools around Askwith Education Forum Superintendents Discuss Leadership in Troubled Times The final Askwith Education Forum of the fall semester discussed leadership, hope, and the ambition to meet the moment