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To Disagree, but Not Be Disagreeable

The announcement this past April of Colorado State Senator Michael Johnston, Ed.M.'00, as the Ed School's 2014 convocation speaker was met with equal parts excitement and dismay. While many were eager to hear Johnston speak on the education reforms that he has spearheaded in his home state, others were baffled by his selection, citing major flaws in the legislation he's introduced in Colorado and suggesting the bills have done more harm than good in the state. Although many of his detractors called for his invitation to be rescinded, Johnston was welcomed to campus and spoke to the class of 2014 on May 28.

In this edition of the EdCast, Johnston reflects on his convocation speech (and the protests), his vision for American education, and best practices for thoughtfully communicating in broader education discourse.



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The Harvard EdCast is a weekly series of podcasts, available on the Harvard University iTunes U page, that features a 15-20 minute conversation with thought leaders in the field of education from across the country and around the world. Hosted by Matt Weber, the Harvard EdCast is a space for educational discourse and openness, focusing on the myriad issues and current events related to the field.


An education podcast that keeps the focus simple: what makes a difference for learners, educators, parents, and communities

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