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Urban School Leaders Come Together at PPE Institute

Many urban principals face the challenge of reforming their schools and districts while simultaneously improving teaching and learning to enhance student achievement.

Senior Lecturer, and future chair of the National Institute for Urban School Leaders (USL) at The Principals' Center, Deborah Jewell-Sherman notes the job is much too big for any individual educator to handle alone and that learning how to lead change alongside fellow school leaders can make a real difference. "By having administrators come to learn about, analyze, discuss, and consider the levers of school improvement, USL provides both an exceptional and robust learning environment and the means to think through action steps to drive school improvement in one's own school," she said.

For the 157 attendees from around the country, the institute provided an opportunity to examine their schools in relation to their communities, develop strategies for improving teaching and learning, and gain community support.

Jewell-Sherman was impressed by participants' dedication to reforming urban schools. "Personal stories of triumphs, learning from mistakes made, and new systems developed during the institute were shared during the breaks and work sessions," she said. "I spoke with scholars from across the country and, in each instance, their collaborations were impressive, thoughtful, and obviously built upon the new learning and best practices shared by the speakers and through the readings."

This year The Principals' Center awarded scholarships through the Principal's Scholar Program for several principals to attend USL. Applicants were evaluated based on outstanding achievement as evidenced by extraordinary improvement in school performance, success in closing achievement gaps, local or national recognition for his or her school, and personal reward or recognition.

Below, two scholarship recipients share journals of their experiences at The Principals' Center and USL.

Carol Muse, principal, John F. Kennedy Elementary School in Santa Ana, Calif.

Clyde Cole, principal, Academy for Business and Community Development, Brooklyn, N.Y.


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