News Harvard EdCast: Learning Without Liberty Posted August 16, 2015 By Matt Weber Education of its youth should be a priority of this or any country, but compulsory schooling is absolutely not the way to go about it, says Cevin Soling, Ed.M.'13. In his recent book, The Student Resistance Handbook, Soling aims his argument against schooling directly at students, providing them with the strategies to constructively rebel against the schools that he calls "oppressive environments" so that they can be free to pursue their educations.In this edition of the Harvard EdCast, Soling speaks about the goals of his book and explains his controversial opinions on the role of schools in the education of American youth.About the Harvard EdCast The Harvard EdCast is a weekly series of podcasts, available on the Harvard University iTunes U page, that features a 15-20 minute conversation with thought leaders in the field of education from across the country and around the world. Hosted by Matt Weber, the Harvard EdCast is a space for educational discourse and openness, focusing on the myriad issues and current events related to the field. News The latest research, perspectives, and highlights from the Harvard Graduate School of Education Explore All Articles Related Articles News Part of the Conversation: Rachel Hanebutt, MBE'16 News Fighting for Change: Estefania Rodriguez, L&T'16 Usable Knowledge Start by Talking What education leaders should know about how to build strong reading skills (and strong schools).