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The Askwith Education Forum

The signature speaker series of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, bringing innovators and influential leaders to campus
Panelists at "The Crisis of Adolescent Mental Health." L-r: Josphine Kim, Linda Charmaraman, Lisa Damour, Alisha Moreland-Capuia, and Richard Weissbourd

The Askwith Education Forum is a signature series of in-person events featuring leading thinkers and practitioners from across the field of education (and beyond) — exploring issues affecting schools, universities, families, and communities. The Forum was established in 1998 by the children and grandchildren of Herbert Askwith, A.B.'(19)07.

Askwith Education Forum takes place in Askwith Hall, in the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Longfellow building. Askwith events offer the opportunity to gather and network with colleagues, faculty, and leaders, and they are important campus anchors. Events will be recorded and available for later viewing on the Harvard Education YouTube channel.

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