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Education Now

Nurturing Relationships in Early Childhood

Education Now explains "early relational health" and why it matters for children and caregivers

While many early childhood frameworks have focused primarily on the healthy development of children, an emerging framework known as “early relational health” stresses the importance of nurturing the broader human ecosystem around babies and toddlers as well. In this episode, experts explore key principles that can guide practitioners and leaders on the front lines of education, health, and social services. 



Junlei Li, Saul Zaentz senior lecturer in early childhood education, faculty co-chair, Human Development and Education Program, HGSE

Key Takeaways

  1. Relational health is the foundation of physical, mental, and behavioral health for the child, the family, and the community.
  2. A renewed focus on relational health means caring about the child and human beings on the other end of the relationships - the parents, the caregivers, and the professionals who help them.
  3. To build relational health in our community, we need to advocate for an ecosystem of healthy relationships all around families, schools, and communities.

Education Now

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