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If so, please contact us at marcom@gse.harvard.edu.
The Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) is a nonprofit institution dedicated to the advancement of learning. In releasing the free HGSE literacy apps – Animal Antics, Photo Play, and Small Wonders – we are committed to creating a safe and secure online learning environment that family members of all ages can enjoy together. As part of that commitment, we do not collect information that directly identifies you or your child.
Please note that a separate privacy policy may apply to third-party services you use to access our content.
Other than what families may disclose to us in e-mails, we do not collect information that directly identifies any individual child or adult.
We use the information we collect in order to develop and improve the apps.
We do not share information we collect with any third parties. We may share anonymized, aggregated information with production partners we work with to help us further refine and improve the apps.
Notice for international users. Although we do not prohibit users outside the United States from accessing and using the apps, our apps are designed for and directed to families in the United States. Accordingly, we have crafted our information practices to comply with U.S. law, and not necessarily with those of other jurisdictions.
We reserve the right to change and update this privacy policy if our information practices change or the apps introduce new features. Please revisit this privacy policy statement from time to time so you can be aware of any updates.