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Ed. Magazine

On My Bookshelf: Assistant Professor Gigi Luk

Currently reading: The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge. Impressive stories and a lot of inspiration. Doidge is a great writer and there is no technological jargon in the book. It is a great knowledge-translation piece.

The thing that drew you to it: I am interested in learning about the mechanisms behind brain resilience from medical cases. From these cases, perhaps we can identify ways to enrich development or design intervention that is sensitive to individual differences.

Favorite book you were asked to read for school: For language arts in high school: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. And, I know this is weird, but I really enjoyed reading Statistical Methods for Psychology by David Howell. This book is still on my bookshelf in my office!

Favorite book from childhood: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (a.k.a. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)

I am ashamed to admit, I have never read… Reflections on Language by Noam Chomsky.

Reading ritual: I used to use the corresponding receipt as bookmark for each book. Now I usually buy books from the Internet and just use any piece of paper handy as bookmarks.

Favorite spot to curl up with a good book: Before having kids, I liked to curl up on a couch and read until I could not keep my eyes open. Now, I can only read on my bed right before I fall asleep.

Ed. Magazine

The magazine of the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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