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Ed. Magazine

Books: The Power of Teacher Teams

Book Cover: Power of Teacher Teams

Teacher TeamsSchools are often associated with a number of different teams: football, debate, chess, quiz bowl, and the list goes on. But teacher teams? As a relatively new concept in the realm of education, the idea of teacher teams may be unfamiliar. However, Vivian Troen and Senior Lecturer Katherine Boles, Ed.D.'91, argue that teacher teams may be the most crucial team a school can have. In their latest book, The Power of Teacher Teams, the pair draws attention to this invaluable network of educators, professionals, and administrators, claiming that, when executed correctly, teacher teams may hold the power to transform schools in such a way that they can offer a more successful and effective learning experience.

Divided into two parts, the book begins by laying the foundation with a succession of six chapters that outline the unique nature of teamwork within an educational setting. Then, shifting gears, the remaining eight chapters engage readers with eight different case studies that offer real-life examples of how teacher teams actually function, what is successful, and what problems can be expected to arise as teams develop. Allowing readers to reflect on the experiences of others, these cases represent the heart of the book, raising penetrating questions while simultaneously offering comprehensive insight and valuable lessons that teachers, administrators, and other educational leaders may take with them and apply in their own professional development.

In light of recent research indicating that very few teacher teams are actually effective, this book seeks to reverse the trend. By developing a framework for effective teacher teams that includes five criteria — leadership, task focus, collaborative climate, structure and process, and personal accountability — Troen and Boles provide school leaders with the tools needed to navigate this relatively new terrain and to make effective teacher teams a reality. Filled with advice and practical methods for rethinking the practice of teaching, The Power of Teacher Teams highlights teacher collaboration that can help transform the culture of schools into communities of learning that foster and value teacher leadership.

Ed. Magazine

The magazine of the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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