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How Caring Is Your School?

Senior Lecturer Rick Weissbourd, co-director of the Making Caring Common Project, outlines a new way for schools to examine their culture and environment through the power of big data.

Additional information:

1) Beginning in fall 2014, middle and high schools across the country are invited to join the Caring Schools Initiative (CSI). Schools in the CSI use survey data and research-based strategies to promote safety, caring, and respect, and to develop responses to reduce bullying and students’ behavior-related troubles. This initiative is built on our successful pilot program last year with 35 schools and more than 10,000 students.

Participating schools will engage in a simple, low-burden data cycle that will allow them to:

  • Assess how their students and staff perceive their school environment using MCC survey tools
  • Identify school strength and challenge areas
  • Develop responsive action plans
  • Implement strategic interventions

Schools will also have access to resources and strategies developed by MCC. For a limited time, joining the CSI is free to schools and districts serving students in grades 6-12.

2) This spring, the Harvard Graduate School of Education will be offering a professional development institute entitled, "Making Caring Common: Promoting Caring and Respect in Students, and Preventing Bullying and Behavior Problems." 

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